Stabili-T-Taping™ (S-T-Taping): Linking Great Kinesiology Tape with Great Licensed & Certified Professionals for unsurpassed results
Great Professional Kinesiology Tape
All Kinesiology Tape mimics the skin’s strength and elasticity adding another layer of performance and fitness into the mix. Only Stabili-T-tape™ is manufactured using the best materials, the best technology & the best biomechanical science. The regular application of Stabili-T-tape allows for The Nervous System, The Muscle Engines, The Myofascial Organ, and The Endocannabinoid System to replenish, rehabilitate, and rejuvenate improving overall fitness and performance internally. Professional Bulk Kinesiology tape for Foot, Ankle, Shin, Knee, Thigh, Hip, Pelvis, Back, Shoulder, Arms, Neck, and Head
PROPRIETARY FORMULA: Premium Natural Cotton for breathability, Elastane for strength, stretch & rebound memory. The bulk kinesiology tape is specially designed for larger muscle groups, split shoulder, knee & back pain, groin pull, hamstring strain, or applying as a posture corrector.
Stabili-T-Tape TeamMates (Great Licensed & Certified Professionals)
Stabili-T-Taping Licensed & Certified Professionals share a commitment to push the limits of what Kinesiology Taping can accomplish to human activity on a case to case basis. Able to work virtually or personally with clients, patients, athletes, these professionals share a mission to maximize performance, reduce injury risk, and improve fitness and overall health in their communities and the world.
Working from the ground up using Foot Centering Technology® and Stabili-T-tape® they can innovate, educate and mentor others to gain stability, support, strength, symmetry, and balance in their feet & posture while they form a community of like-minded professionals sharing honing their skill sets to more disciplined, more controllable, healthier & more fit human movement.
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