Become a Pioneer TeamMate
Stabili-T-tape is about to launch a disruptive technology in the Kinesiology Tape marketplace. In addition to our Kinesiology Tape’s advances including the advanced ability to control ranges of motion and increase muscle engine leverage, it is the only tape with three major qualities that should appeal to licensed and certified professionals.
We are seeking like-minded professionals to join our Team that has been utilizing Kinesiology Taping and cookbook, templated treatment, workout, training, and coaching methodology whose passion and skill set rises above that level of care. We intend to develop a community that shares
new ideas and cases of interest.
This opportunity to be a Pioneer Stabili-T-tape TeamMate coincides with our initial delivery of the tape from Asia and the huge increased demand for home-based professional care due to the reduced ability to have one-on-one experiences created by the Covid 19 Virus Pandemic and PostPandemic periods.